The Great Turning is a name for the essential adventure of our time: the shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization.  Although we cannot know yet if it will take hold in time for humans and other complex life forms to survive, we can know that it is under way.  To see this as the larger context of our lives clears our vision and summons our courage.                   Joanna Macy


Humanity is at a threshold and our Earth is in great distress. I have grappled with this awakening for many years now, wondering how to create a meaningful life in these times of transition into an unknown and uncertain future.

After much inquiry, study and witness, I have come to see that women have a unique and vital role in this planet-time. We are being called to be weavers of healing, initiation, regeneration, and transformation – and to embody our fiercest wisdom, courage, and vision to bring forth the best possible future for all beings.

Women are medicine, particularly at this time in the world, because women inherently
embody the feminine qualities that are so desperately needed in our world right now.
We need the women to step up and to move in close to the calling, to the heartbeat of the Earth.
Women, with the support of the men, hold the power to re-pattern our humanity,
our civilization at this historical moment.
To connect with the authentic feminine power and reclaim our original gifts as women,
we gather and sit in circle, embodying the ancient feminine lineage through our
stories, movement, rituals, songs, and witnessing and holding space for each other.

Filiz Telek

Being Change is a deep exploration into what would it look like to bring our “ancient feminine lineage” back into balance. What would it look like to step out of our collective cultural pathology and into a new and ancient story that would (re)wild, (re)en-soul and (re)birth our Selves and our world.

The journey begins by leaving the “Old Story” – the Story that is no longer viable. While remaining responsibly aware of what is perpetuating the degradation of people and our planet, we do not feed it. Instead, we begin to free our body/mind/spirit from dysfunctional paradigms and behaviors, and to examine every life choice in the context of whether it supports life or harms it.

Indigenous prophecies, particularly from the Hopi and Maori
say that women will be restored to their place as original healers during this time,
and that women will lead the way into a higher consciousness.
The role of men is to protect the sacred space of women so they can do their work.

Ilarion (Larry) Merculieff

This, as wise woman Judith Duerk says, is a powerful journey of “descent to our depths…into a damp, echoing cavern, to sit and wait for that of our Selves which cannot be met in the upper world. We must trust the places of darkness where we can meet our own deepest nature and give it voice.” There is healing to be done and much to let go. Still, our love for Life and for the Earth is so deep and profound we can’t resist that surging of fierce compassion that steadies and inspires us.

Our first task is to create a sacred sanctuary, both within and without, in solitude and in community. We give ourselves permission to invite in only what strengthens and nurtures our creative life force, allowing us to process our emotions and clear our vision while acknowledging the enormity of what we are being asked to hold. We witness to the unfolding world around us with eyes and heart wide open, unflinchingly accepting the possibilities of even the most dire planetary outcomes, and ask ourselves how, then, shall I live?

“There is an enormous energy
—infinite possibilities—
that come from bearing witness and living accordingly.
These are two actions that must be one.

Change your life. Let your heart guide you. Become an ethical being.
It is so very difficult and so very simple. Bear witness and change your lives accordingly.”
Deena Metzger

Here, in this liminal space between worlds, it is essential that we radically slow down, simplify our lives, and be present to what is calling us forth, opening to possibilities that may not otherwise be imagined. Who is the “Sacred Feminine?” Why is She so important in the context of today’s world? How have the feminine/masculine energies become so imbalanced? Where is She still alive and well in our world today? How do we gather our sisters in solidarity and support for this work? We explore these questions and much more.

In our deepest interior reflections, we know we are being summoned to balance a world in great peril, and for this we need the full aliveness of women – fierce. wild, tender and wise.
Osprey Orielle Lake

And, as we nurture the dream of the “New Story” – the Story wanting to be born – we begin to live it now. We focus on, and engage in, the most powerful existing and emerging pathways that will guide us toward the future we long for. As we walk this journey we find that there are countless women and men walking alongside us; they have traveled far and have learned much. We invite them to sit in circle to share their stories.

I found myself sitting next to a Mayan grandmother from Peru at a women’s conference.
After a few minutes of conversation she asked, ‘Who are you?’
I began to tell her that I founded a nonprofit, and about my work with women.
‘No,’ she said quietly. ‘Who are you?’
I looked past her at the round tables where women
from different spiritual traditions were joining each other for breakfast.
This is what I said. The words came not from my mind.
‘I am a woman who suffered earlier in life, and in the darkness found a light.’
She said, ‘You cannot be shy, you cannot be quiet. You must stand up with this knowledge.’
At that moment, my heart, as one of many women’s hearts, said Yes.

Anne Scott: Dream Weather – Women Restoring the Sacred to Life


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