The Great Turning is a name for the essential adventure of our time: the shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization.  Although we cannot know yet if it will take hold in time for humans and other complex life forms to survive, we can know that it is under way.  To see this as the larger context of our lives clears our vision and summons our courage.                   Joanna Macy


Humanity is at a threshold and our Earth is in great distress. I have grappled with this awakening for many years now, wondering how to create a meaningful life in these times of transition into an unknown and uncertain future.

After much inquiry, study and witness, I have come to see that women have a unique and vital role in this planet-time. We are being called to be weavers of healing, initiation, regeneration, and transformation – and to embody our fiercest wisdom, courage, and vision to bring forth the best possible future for all beings.

Being Change is about deeply exploring what it would look like to step out of our collective cultural pathology and into a new and ancient story that would (re)wild, (re)en-soul and (re)birth our Selves and our world.

Women are medicine, particularly at this time in the world, because women inherently
embody the feminine qualities that are so desperately needed in our world right now.
We need the women to step up and to move in close to the calling, to the heartbeat of the Earth.
Women, with the support of the men, hold the power to re-pattern our humanity, our civilization at this historical moment.
To connect with the authentic feminine power and reclaim our original gifts as women,
we gather and sit in circle, embodying the ancient feminine lineage through our
stories, movement, rituals, songs, and witnessing and holding space for each other.

Filiz Telek

Being Change is for women who are committed to:

– making the health of the Earth and the thriving of all life our highest priority, knowing that failing this, everything else is moot;
– saying NO to what is no longer “acceptable” or “normal” such as war, poverty, violence, injustice, and the pillaging of the Earth;
– being Edgewalkers: hospice workers to what is dying and midwives to what is wanting to be born;
– doing a significant amount of personal depth work and healing – indeed, we have been for some time;
– facing and transmuting our grief, rage, fears, and uncertainty in community with others;
– making radical changes in our life and thinking way out of the box;
– leaving “isms” at the door and standing in solidarity within diversity;
– discerning our personal contribution to the Great Turning and living it with all our heart and soul.

Indigenous prophecies, particularly from the Hopi and Maori
say that women will be restored to their place as original healers during this time,
and that women will lead the way into a higher consciousness.
The role of men is to protect the sacred space of women so they can do their work.
Ilarion (Larry) Merculieff

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