BeingChange – Some challenges and possibilites

BeingChange circles are really twofold: having circles and collecting stories about our experiences of being in transition and our visions for the future. These stories can be expressed in any artistic genre: poetry, essays, songs, dance, photography, and the like. So, the stories are the end, the goal, and the circles are the means. One of the outcomes will be a book – an anthology of our work together. The challenge is how to record the stories generated within the circle while, at the same time, maintaining the safety and spiritual grounding of the circle.

My answer is to be explicit. I’m looking for people who are passionate about wanting to help create a better world, who have something to say about the condition of our planet and the future for all beings, and who have the courage to stretch beyond their comfort zones. I’m looking for people who are excited about being part of a collection of powerful voices, and about being the change we wish to see in the world. While every effort will be made to co-create a safe and spiritually grounded space, these circles will be recorded AND stories will never be shared without permission and can remain anonymous if requested.

Are you one of these people? Would you like to contribute in some way? There will be options for wherever you are. Please email me, leave comments, suggestions, become part of the BeingChange network!

BeingChange – Some challenges and possibilites

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