Category Archives: Uncategorized
These Questions….
“What should I do? Who should I be? How can one celebrate and love this glittering world, even as it becomes a sickened and dangerous thing? What can be said in response to the arrogance and illogic of those who … Continue reading
Recovering the Sacred Feminine – An Indigenous Perspective
Ilarion Merculieff is the the founder of The Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways and is an Unangan (Unungan), Aleut, raised in a traditional way. He’s on my bucket list of people I want to meet someday but, for … Continue reading
Nights of Dreams and Days of Work
What if women rose again? ….What if we could reclaim, somehow, that power and respect which women had lost? What if we could somehow dismantle this planet-destroying patriarchy and recreate a world in which we lived in balance? (1) THIS … Continue reading
A Council of Women
Last October I attended the final gathering of the Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers in Phoenicia, New York. I was at the first gathering, also in Phoenicia, when they formed their Council twelve years ago and I had followed … Continue reading
“Today I Rise”
This video moved me to my core. It felt like a calling so deep and profound that my very cells and bones resonated. Took away breath, made tears flow, heart wide open. Women: watch. Men: watch with your women.
“Just Say No” – Women & the Great Turning
Recently I had some of my huge, crazy impossible questions. What if hundreds, thousands, millions of women Just Said No to everything that does not serve life and the welfare of all beings? What if we said No to war, … Continue reading
Warriors For the Human Spirit
“I am not interested in being hopeful or optimistic or working diligently to reverse the patterned path of history we tread so reliably toward collapse I am interested in being able to stay in the midst of this terrible travesty … Continue reading
The Impossible and the Unthinkable
I have been silent for a while – again. I have been grappling with some very deep and challenging stuff – still. I have been “stuck between the impossible and the unthinkable”* and it has been trying hard to render … Continue reading
In the Dark Times, Will There Be Singing?*
I think I’ve been afraid to speak my deepest truth. Especially since, when I have, it hasn’t been well received. People don’t want to talk about changing and dying, even though that is the nature of all things, even … Continue reading
Must Reads
Bill Plotkin continues to be, in my mind, one of the most important people on the planet – his work is that innovative, that necessary, and that potentially transformational. I feel moved to give him yet another mention in this … Continue reading