Say No To Misogyny

There has been a great deal in the news lately about the unrestrained misogyny coming from pundits, popes and politicians. Yes, I’m disgusted and outraged and I could say so much about that. But underneath it all, I’m left with a profound and weary sadness. I could say so much about that as well. But underneath that remains the truth and the beauty of the sacred Feminine that is still very much alive and so necessary in this time of the Great Turning. It’s important to understand the reasons behind our culture’s fear and denigration of the Feminine but this is not my intention today. My intention is to say no to misogyny, to explore a different perspective, and to align with love, compassion, and peace:

And finally, “In These Arms: A Song For All Beings” – What I would want to hold in my heart when I’m overwhelmed by the fear and violence of the world.

Say No To Misogyny

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