Author Archives: phebeallen
Walking My Talk
I have something I need to do. It’s not clear to me what, why, when, with who, or how, but it’s something I need to do. I figure I can flesh it out here, start putting it into words, and … Continue reading
The Best Year of Your Life
Debbie Ford “The Best Year of Your Life” is a remarkable book by Debbie Ford and one of the best I’ve read on how to bring forth your fullest Self with intention, courage, integrity, creativity, and commitment. I’m going to … Continue reading
Being a Contemporary Shambhala Warrior
The other night I had the opportunity to hear a talk by Bill McKibben for maybe the third or fourth time. This man is one of my heroes, a true Shambhala Warrior. He stays awake and engaged with compassion and … Continue reading
Losing My Head
One of the practices I use for seeking spiritual guidance or discernment is shamanic journeying. I’ve been trained in this technique by both Dream Change and The Foundation of Shamanic Studies. With the aid of drums and rattles, I open … Continue reading
What Do You DO?
Last night I was at a fundraiser at a local eatery when a person I had just met asked me what I do. Oh, Lord, the little dance that goes on in my heart whenever I get that question! Will … Continue reading
Life As Pilgrimage
Bottom line: I’m finding living within our current paradigm of injustice, unsustainability, and outright insanity increasingly excruciating. My heart breaks a little more each day as I witness to the suffering and violence we visit on each other and our … Continue reading
A New Focus For This Blog
In my garden Dear friends of BeingChange, I have been playing with a couple of options for sending people on my email list periodic newsletters filled with BeingChange news, up-coming events and resources. I have decided to try a free … Continue reading
Personal Guidelines for the Great Turning
From To good not to pass on! Come from GratitudeTo be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe–to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it–is a … Continue reading
A Circle of Friends
Recently, my family went through a crazy, stressful experience. We were having to make a very difficult decision in a very short time. By the end of a week of this, we no longer knew if we were thinking straight … Continue reading
Turning Your Life Into a Living
I have the wonderful opportunity to bring Jan Phillips – an amazing visionary, author, artist, and teacher, to Ithaca, New York to lead a seminar during the weekend of October 23rd (Friday evening through Sunday noon.) This seminar is entitled … Continue reading