Turning Your Life Into a Living

I have the wonderful opportunity to bring Jan Phillips – an amazing visionary, author, artist, and teacher, to Ithaca, New York to lead a seminar during the weekend of October 23rd (Friday evening through Sunday noon.) This seminar is entitled “Facilitator Training – Turning Your Life into a Living” and is an intensive, hands-on small-group weekend seminar for people who are ready to harvest the wisdom of their life experiences and share what they have learned with others. It prepares you to become a facilitator of whatever kind of groups you care to facilitate, with a thorough exploration of content development, finding and reaching your audience, clarifying your mission and message, and using the media to promote your work. (While this seminar is full of practical tools, her approach is holistic and spiritually grounded. It’s not just about marketing! Jan shows people how to access their wisdom, activate their creativity, and communicate with clarity and compassion.) She will empower us in:

• how to transform your knowledge and skills into a teachable format
• what to call your workshop/training
• how to describe it in 2-3 paragraphs
• what to say in your publicity so people know what’s in it for them
• how much you should charge
• how to find the people who are looking for you
• where, when, and how to advertise
• how to get free publicity and make the most of it

The cost would be around $525 depending on what food will be provided. You will also receive a couple of her books and a CD of head shots to use in your PR materials.
See her web site at www.janphillips.com
It should be a lot of fun. Space is limited to only SIX people and I’m one of them, so if you’re interested let me know soon.

Turning Your Life Into a Living

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