Category Archives: Uncategorized
Deena Responds
The following is a response sent to me by Deena Metzger after I asked her permission to use her photograph for the previous post. Please do read the post so you will understand the context. Deena is one of my … Continue reading
Alive In the World…
I just finished a novel where one of the main characters survived the loss of a breast to cancer. One day her granddaughter happened upon her in the bath, seeing the “still angry and red puckered flesh” where her breast … Continue reading
My Bottom Line…
…make assisting the Great Turning my priority over everything else. Over the past few weeks I’ve been making a list of what I imagine are essential tasks humanity must take on to heal, evolve, and to restore our planet. This … Continue reading
An Invitation
The following is an invitation I sent out to my EcoVillage community. I wanted to share it so that if you are in the Ithaca area, you might join us. If you are from afar, you may wish to gather … Continue reading
“Nearing Death Experience”
…called to be a hospice-worker to what is dying, midwife to what is waiting to be born… On the homepage of this site, these words declare what I believe to be one of the most important tasks of our time. … Continue reading
What would happen if I really let myself journey into the realms of death: of our species, of other species, of our planet, of all our human potential for beauty, creativity, compassion, evolution? What if I really opened my heart … Continue reading
Sacred Messiness
To embrace this time of the Great Turning is to truly be immersed in messiness. To be sure, I feel my life and Being Change shapeshifting almost daily. To be honest, I have been feeling some anxiety about not posting … Continue reading
Siren’s Song It is one of those dreams that leaves you on a threshold surrounded by mystery, straining to hear voices, catch glimpses of patterns and meaning. And the dreamworld continues on (but where?) leaving you reflecting, as if on … Continue reading
Bodacious Dream (part two)
Two months later – it’s time to recommit to posting every week. But I haven’t been idle. I realize that I don’t want to dream small. I realize I want to give my best shot to making a Being Change … Continue reading
Say No To Misogyny
There has been a great deal in the news lately about the unrestrained misogyny coming from pundits, popes and politicians. Yes, I’m disgusted and outraged and I could say so much about that. But underneath it all, I’m left with … Continue reading