The Impossible and the Unthinkable

I have been silent for a while – again. I have been grappling with some very deep and challenging stuff – still.

I have been “stuck between the impossible and the unthinkable”* and it has been trying hard to render me speechless.

Clearly, sometimes succeeding.

The “unthinkable,” to paraphrase David Roberts, is the future into which we are heading if we continue on our current path – especially regarding “the brutal logic of climate change”.

The “impossible” refers to what appear to be insurmountable “forces that retard or prevent (necessary) change.”

In other words, the ultimate rock and hard place.

But when I ponder being between the impossible and the unthinkable, what gives me a spark of meaning and purpose, what makes me want to get up in the morning, is

the word



I’ve been pondering this for some time and I am finding that “between” is vast and it is timeless; it conjures up soul and presence and healing and possibility. It implies mystery and awe, and energy, and creation….

I have been pursuing for years the question of how we are being called as human beings in this planet-time. I think there are clues in the “between” if we can free ourselves enough from the impossible and the unthinkable to discern them.

A key, for me, is “essence.” What is essentially mine to seek, to know, to give? What is uniquely mine to live? What will empower me to not give up on life, on the future, on the mystery, no matter what? “There may be no better time to learn the inner story that our souls carry and find the ways we are intended to be in this world of uncertainty.” **

The BeingChange mission is, essentially, to bring together people who feel this call to discover and live their soul story in service of the Great Turning. This year I will be searching for more and better ways to make this mission a reality. I invite you to join me in whatever way you can.

*  From “Hope and Fellowship” by David Roberts

The following link takes you to the article and a Ted Talk by David called “Climate Change is Simple.”

If the link doesn’t work, email me and I’ll send you a copy of the article.

** From “Fate and Destiny – The Two Agreements of the Soul” by Michael Meade (pg. 9)

Photo by George Hodan

The Impossible and the Unthinkable

One thought on “The Impossible and the Unthinkable

  1. Reading this, and David Roberts post, were both very heartening. I'm glad I decided to open my old email program, my new one doesn't pull rss feeds so I stopped getting a bunch of stuff, including Being Change. I miss your writing!

    Roberts point about hope being about fellowship rings very true to me. And the idea that any one things that we do could be the key to unlock the door is exactly why I keep going. Because even though it sure seemed like we're f*cked, I will always have hope.

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